Yue Duan

Assistant Professor of Computer Science
School of Computing and Information Systems @ Singapore Management University
email: yueduan_at_smu(.)edu(.)sg

Hi, Welcome! I am an assistant professor of computer science at Singapore Management University. Before SMU, I was a Gladwin Development Chair Assistant Professor at Illinois Institute of Technology. I had the postdoctoral training at Cornell University and University of Utah, working with Prof. Elaine Shi & Prof. Mu Zhang, and obtained my PhD in Computer Science from UC Riverside in 2019, advised by Prof. Heng Yin. My research interests mainly lie in different aspects of Computer Security, including mobile security, system security, software testing, blockchain security and AI security. I enjoy solving emerging security problems by leveraging program analysis techniques and deep learning.


    PhD position has been filled for Fall 2024. Please check back later.
    One postdoc position (co-advise with Prof. Debin Gao) available!


    [Jun 2024] Our paper "An LLM-Assisted Easy-to-Trigger Poisoning Attack on Code Completion Models: Injecting Disguised Vulnerabilities against Strong Detection" is accepted in USENIX Security'24. Congrats to Shenao and Shen!
    [Dec 2023] Serving on the TPC of ICDCS'24, ACSAC'24, RAID'24, ISSRE'24 and CCS'24.
    [Aug 2023] Our paper "Marco: A Stochastic Asynchronous Concolic Explorer" is accepted in ICSE'24. Congrats to Jie!
    [Aug 2023] Serving on the TPC of FC'24.
    [Jul 2023] Our paper "SigmaDiff: Semantics-Aware Deep Graph Matching for Pseudocode Diffing" is accepted in NDSS'24. Congrats to Lian, Yu, and Sheng!
    [Apr 2023] I am honored to be awarded the Excellence in Teaching Award from IIT College of Computing!
    [Apr 2023] I will join Singapore Management University starting this Fall!
    [Mar 2023] Serving on the TPCs of ICDCS'23, RAID'23, DSC'23, ISSRE'23 and ACSAC'23.
    [Feb 2023] Our paper "Proxy Hunting: Understanding and Characterizing Proxy-based Upgradeable Smart Contracts in Blockchains" has been accepted in USENIX Security'23! Congrats to Bill and Sajad!
    [Dec 2022] Received the CISE Research Initiation Initiative (CRII) Award from NSF! Thanks NSF!
    [Nov 2022] Our paper "Towards Automated Safety Vetting of Smart Contracts in Decentralized Applications" won the ACM CCS'22 Best Paper Honorable Mention! (20/972 = 2%)
    [Aug 2022] Received an IIT ACT Center Computational Interdisciplinary Seed Funding for educational software testing. Thanks ACT!
    [May 2022] Give a talk about Blockchain security to Cambridge University Judge Business School.
    [Apr 2022] Our paper "Towards Automated Safety Vetting of Smart Contracts in Decentralized Applications" is accepted in ACM CCS'22.
    [Mar 2022] Serving on the PCs of ACSAC'22 and ISSRE'22.
    [Feb 2022] Serving as the Virtual Chair for ACM CCS'22.